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Vedic Articles & Discussions
Category: Discussions | 1 min read
In this discussion, Sivaramakrishna explained his theist-atheist dilemma. He said, "I do religious worship but am passionate about science." In this context, Venkatachaganti's main intention is to explain the soul using direct experiences and logic while worshiping him.
Speaking of the soul, he said, "The soul is one, but knowing that it experiences many births, we get experiences according to our karmas." Therefore, following our karmas, after we have created them, hopes and desires arise and can lead humans to them.
To fully understand the sin-virtue as they think, knowledge and research are necessary. "The effect of karma is that it takes place in many births, and we are creating this prasthan we experience," said Venkatachaganti.
Thus, as our rituals and our practices relate to our karmas and construct our lives, this discussion considers the genius of combining spirituality and science.
"Every order you meet, not only your children's tendencies, your social environment, but also the efforts you make determine your current life," said Venkatachaganti.
In this discussion we can increase our understanding of Vedas and other scientific sayings by knowing how to expect, and experience.
By understanding the stories in this discussion on Vedas and philosophy, we can understand how we should live and how we should perform our karmas.
Date Posted: 2nd September 2024
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